Awaken the Garden and Enjoy the Pink Moon

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Create - Enhance - Restore
Issue 4-2023
Seasonal Greeting
Permaculture Principles
Moon Gardening
Monthly Tips
Specials and Services!!
Eco-Restore provides consultation services and designs sustainable, regenerative and healthy gardens. Incorporating native, edible, and medicinal plants to enhance habitats for the benefit of people and the planet. 

Hello friends,


These last couple of weeks have been wonderful to get out and enjoy the cool sunshine and the lingering light into the evening. I hope everyone has found a few extra moments to soak it in. 

I greatly enjoy the return of wildlife as I walk in different parks and gardens around the city, and even all the visitors to the yard. I have been overjoyed the last few weeks to be in the presence of a pair of bald eagles building a huge nest just beyond the backyard, the Northern flickers foraging in the grass for grubs and other insects, and the racoon poking his (or her) masked face out of the hole in the ivy that has shrouded the snag in the corner. I keep planning to remove the ivy, but their protected home is so much more important while they have young in the nest. 


In the gardens there is much focus on the return of birds, bees and butterflies awakening our senses to the sights, sounds and smells of spring. Can we welcome other larger wildlife without worrying about diseases (or our personal dis-ease) in their presence? Eco-Restore helps create more spaces where wildlife can move through their urban environments safely, find food, clean water and shelter as they rear young this spring and summer. 

While we remain cognizant that our homes are generally built to keep creatures out, and protect us from the elements. Join us in our vision to bring to life healthy habitats and beautiful refugia for enjoying wildlife and intimate experiences with the natural world.

Stay healthy, happy and keep your hands in the soil. 
~ Lisa

Each month this email is sent as a newsletter and posted to The Bee’s Knees Blog where you will find the following:

~ A seasonal greeting message of a pertinent theme or energy for that month, followed by available consultations and other news.

~ An introduction or refresh of one Permaculture Principle. Conveniently, there are 12 so it works out perfectly as we follow the Gregorian Calendar

~ Moon Gardening; exploring cycles and themes of the moon and other celestial bodies, and of course noteworthy plants of the month.

~ Tips of the month to help you grow your best garden yet!!

~ Monthly or seasonal offer of service

If there is a topic you would like to learn more about or share please send us a message or give a call!!

Growing the team - Welcome Byrd! 

Byrd is taking the reins as Eco-Restore's new Assistant Consultant and Site Coordinator. She will be leading new client consultations, overseeing the care of existing accounts in north Seattle and bringing fresh eyes to the design table. So excited for her to step into this role!

Bio: Byrd is a student in the Holistic Landscape Design program at Bastyr and has experience working for nurseries, permaculture-based communities, hydroponic farms, and food access nonprofits. Prior to working with plants, she designed strategic communications for startups and think tanks working on food system reform. She is passionate about marrying artful aesthetics with soil-friendly design and growing positive change from the ground up.

Consultations Available: April - 4 left!!

Permaculture is the application of a set of ethics & principles to care for the whole Earth and all of its inhabitants. Originally from the term 'permanent agriculture,' now has expanded for applications to all landscape scales and other areas of life.

The three core tenants are the foundational ethics that guide each principle. Those ethics are
Earth Care ~ People Care ~ Fair Share

Principles may often be listed numerically in text for the sake of organization, however, in reality they are cyclical, can be applied in any order and are all linked to each together in a web. Start wherever you are!

Below is and introduction or a refresh of one of the 12 principles surrounding the core ethics.
To see previously shared principles check out The Bee's Knees post's here

Apply Self-Regulation & Accept Feedback

Accept Feedback by observing the system (any system) and make small adjustments

Examples for practicing

- Low-impact living by asking ‘how much do I really need’ and be honest with the answer

- Tolerance thresholds that allow for (a safe) level of uncomfortableness, work at this edge of growth, and allow the equilibrium to return organically


The classic example of this is the slug scenario! Every gardener has their own way of dealing with the age old slug 'problem'. From a Permaculture Perspective we consider how 'the problem could be the solution'. In this case, slugs could be a resource for alchemist ducks who transform them into eggs which we can use! “You don't have a slug problem, you have a duck deficiency” says Bill Mollison permaculture co-creator.

The proverb “the sins of the fathers are visited unto the children of the seventh generation” reminds us that negative feedback is often slow to emerge.

Icon of the whole earth is the largest scale example we have of a self regulating ‘organism’

Icon Image and description credits:

Moon Gardening

Since time immemorial our ancestors have lived, told time, fell in love, passed down stories and tended the gardens by the light of the moon. I would like to offer the opportunity to learn and engage with our only true and beloved satellite while digging in the soil and while walking other paths of our lives.

How does it work - different phases of the moon provide different energies for working in the garden (and all aspects of our lives) to support a specific task or goal.

This is related to but not exactly the same as planting by Astrological days. There is some overlap and you can do both concurrently or choose only one. In these posts I will focus on where the moon is in the sky and what energies that may bring you and your gardens.

The Moon, as you all know, directly affects our gravity and the tides. Did you realize it affects gravity on everything - all water on Earth; in our bodies and down to the water in single cells of plants and animals.

Where are we now?

First Full Moon of Spring April 5th (PST)
// Pink Moon // 
Awakening Moon // Breaking the Ice Moon //

The name Pink moon honors the many blossoms greeting our days, specifically pink moss phlox (or cherries here in Seattle) and often falls near Easter.

The Farmer’s Almanac suggests a full moon in April will bring frost, so keep an eye on the low temps for your new plantings in the garden.

This Awakening Moon is in Libra, an air sign - warming our hearts and drawing our attention to aesthetics of home and self

Reflect on changes that have come to fruition since September 2022. As memories arise from that 6-month time period, let them drift to the surface and float away gently like a light and airy cloud.

How can this apply to the garden?

Begin to gently clean up the foliage, branches and leaves left through the winter. Use only hand tools and leave some cover as the ground nesting bees have yet to emerge.
Tidy up the tools, empty pots, shed and seating areas in anticipation of gathering with loved ones in your green-space
Give thanks to the soil for resting and replenishing to bring you another season of garden life

Moon Garden Plant of the Month

Dandelion (Taraxacum_officinale) is an excellent source of vitamin A, iron, and calcium and also contains various minerals and antioxidants. Dandelion root is good for fighting bloat and has historically been used as a coffee alternative.

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) flowers and foliage are edible raw or cooked and have been used medicinally as an anti-fungal, digestive aid, and hormone-balancer!

See more of our favorites with Plant of The Week on IG @ecorestoreconsulting 


Sources and Resources:

Coloring Book of Shadows (my favorite day planner)
The Moon Book by Sarah Gottesdiener
Time Passages app
We'moon 2023: An Astrological Moon Calendar

Shop local, Shop small businesses!

While you are learning more about the moon’s seasons, energy, power and spirit I ask that each of you also consider how you can help protect her - right now (and for some time really) there has been an assault on the moon. To regard this beautiful being in our solar system only as a resource, a trophy, a commodity to exploit for our benefit is beyond unfortunate and will only do us harm in the long run.

Please join me in honoring the moon by accepting and celebrating what she has to offer. I look forward to learning more with all of you.

Moon Phases and their associations. 

There are four primary phases, in some resources you may see as many as 9. Here I am introducing the most commonly seen. Please note this list of associations or attributes is not exhaustive, only a foundation to get us started on this journey together. Remember these apply to all aspects of life not just in the landscape.

New - Set New Intentions, Start Projects, Renew and Regenerate

First Quarter - Take Action, Increase Energy, Let things In

Full - Culmination, Complete and Fulfill

Last Quarter - Banishing, Let things Go

In addition to the phases there are periods of transition.

Waxing is the time between new & full; the first quarter

Waning is the time between full & new; the last quarter

Want to plan and build your own Moon Garden?
Reach out today - Click HERE
Share with a friend to Grow Together!

April Pro-TIPS

Get your hands dirty with past posts & tips by visiting the blog:
The Bee's Knees - News You Can Use

Planning for a water wise garden for hot and dry summers means planning and planting now!! Here are just a few top tips for a water wise garden in the PNW (yes we need to be water wise too)

~ Choose drought tolerant plants whenever possible, or plants that are adapted for one hardiness zone warmer than where you are

~ Place sun loving plants where they will shade those that like less heat

~ Plant moist loving plants in shallow swales or areas that tend to hold water longer

~ Use soaker hoses, drip lines, hügelkultur gardening beds for efficiency and less evaporation than sprinklers

~ Consider rain barrels or cisterns to collect rainwater and augment your watering needs

~ Plant woody perennials before the end of May

Have a specific question? Hire an Eco-Restore Garden Coach for seasonal troubleshooting!

Are you looking for the monthly What to Plant Now suggestions? Those have moved to our social pages. Please follow us there to see the posters!

Get 10% off our specialty pollinator gardens this April only!

Need a garden refresh or have a specific area looking for attention this spring - a pollinator garden may be just what you need!


Pollinator Patch Garden Kit includes:

-20 plants personally selected for your site, covers approximately 100 square feet

-A basic design so you can plant them for the greatest success*

-Your choice of a butterfly or bee house to support your newest garden neighbors!

$2,200 value


Pollinator Paradise Garden Kit includes:

-40 plants personally selected for your site, covers approximately 250 square feet

-Professionally installed with appropriate soil and mulch

-Pollinator garden sign to proudly display

-Your choice of a butterfly or bee house to support your newest garden neighbors!

$4,400 value

*Additional service available if you would like Eco-Restore to install your plants.

Start Here Today !

Eco - Restore Ecological Consulting & Design LLC provides services in Western Washington to Create healthy habitats to nurture and invite native pollinators, birds and wildlife to visit your yard. Enhance soil health and improve water quality by eliminating chemicals and minimizing runoff. Restore degraded sites such as urban lots with compacted lawns and restore native plant communities with low impact restoration techniques.

Helping transform your green space into a sustainable, low-maintenance, and thriving landscape by the use of permaculture ethics and principles. Whether you rent or own, have a large yard, or a small patio; you can grow food, save water, create wildlife habitat & much more.

Our current services include:

Design Packages - For a new landscaping project 

Maintenance - Tending landscapes designed and installed by Eco-Restore

Specialty Gardens - Great options for smaller spaces 

Coaching - Sessions to help gardeners learn and care for their existing landscape

*Be on the lookout for a few different services and products launching throughout the year. 

Consultations Available: April - 4

Eco-Restore turns 5 💐!


Spring Renewal and Rejuvenation

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+1 360.350.6625