Intentions & Planting New Seeds

By the Light of the Moon

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Create - Enhance - Restore
Green bottle flies pollinating Calendula

Hello friends,

What a burst into summer it has been for me - May & June flew by so fast I completely missed sending out TWO post to you all.

The busy-ness was good and I am grateful for what spring had delivered and have been keeping these thoughts at the front of mind. Often, it is easy to see and call out what has not gone well all around us - over the past year or any other time, but the more you look for the positive the more you will see.

In 2020 many people found themselves at home a lot more than ever before and began to spend time in their yards and gardens. Those that did not already have a garden wanted to join in some of the many ways to plant food, flowers and medicine. For me and Eco-Restore this meant more people to connect with, more opportunities to show others how incorporating the natural world into their homes and everyday lives can be such a powerful medicine in itself.

School shifting to virtual, remote or cancelled altogether has been disappointing and in many cases devastating - for pupils of all ages and disciplines. Looking for some good in this may be a little tougher, but it is there. Many who may not have had access to a workshop or program otherwise was able to join. Certain classes with limited capacity were able to open to more or offer repeat sessions, There may be another time for discussing how some of these can be a negative - such as data consumption and storage, loss of social connection and more. For now let us sped energy on the positive.
This spring, I was given the opportunity to teach about flora of the Pacific Northwest as an online lecture and lab class. Had this been in person I (can be almost certain) that I would not have filled the role, now it is a door that is open for me in the future.

The longing and lost sense of community was restored for me early on in the pandemic while out weeding in the traffic circles (overdue for another round of attention). There everyone came out to chat, see what was what and to lend a hand. I considered these little green oasis in the neighborhoods the original water coolers for conversation. We also found and have been a part of a budding co-housing agrivillage, where people can soon come together to live and farm; rebuilding a sense of resiliency, food-security and support to get through whatever is next, good or not so good. My sharing of all this is in hopes that you will take some time to look back over the last few months and identify at least a handful of positive, surprising, beautiful, silver-linings that came into your life or those around you. Equally important is to set new intentions for the awareness of and cultivation of the good in the world.

Stay healthy, happy and keep your hands in the soil!!
~ Lisa

Continue reading for an introduction into Moon Gardening, Monthly Tips and Offers.

I do not receive compensation for any affiliate links in email or on website.

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Moon Gardening

Since time immemorial our ancestors have lived, told time, fell in love, passed down stories and tended the gardens by the light of the moon. I would like to offer the opportunity for you all to learn more and engage with our only true and beloved satellite while digging in the soil and while walking other paths of your lives.

For this new segment I will not likely post all of the below background info each month so bookmark the blog webpage or save this email to reference as needed.

While you are learning more about the moon’s seasons, energy, power and spirit I ask that each of you also consider how you can help protect her - right now (and for some time really) there has been an assault on the moon. To regard this beautiful being in our solar system only as a resource, a thing to exploit for our benefit is beyond unfortunate and will only do us harm in the long run.

Please join me in honoring the moon by accepting and celebrating what she has to offer. I look forward to learning more with all of you.


How does it work - different phases of the moon provide different energies for working in the garden (and all aspects of our lives) to support a specific task or goal.

This is related to but not exactly the same as planting by Astrological days. There is some overlap and you can do both concurrently or choose only one. In these posts I will focus on Moon gardening, yet I will add tid-bits about which astrological sign we may be in at the time.

The Moon, as you all know, directly affects our gravity and the tides. Did you realize it affects gravity on everything, down to the single cells in plants and animals, and all water on Earth; in our bodies and the water in every cell of every living being.

Moon Phases and their associations. 

There are four primary phases, in some resources you may see as many as 9. Here I am introducing the most commonly seen. Please note this list of associations or attributes is not exhaustive, only a foundation to get us started on this journey together. Remember these apply to all aspects of life not just in the landscape.

New - Set New Intentions, Start Projects, Renew and Regenerate

First Quarter - Take Action, Energy, Let things In

Full - Culmination, Complete and Fulfill

Last Quarter - Banishing, Let things Go

In addition to the phases there are the periods of transition.

Waxing is the time between new & full; the first quarter

Waning is the time between full & new; the last quarter*

I find the quarter reference to be a bit confusing because there are 2 not 4….more to learn for me as well!

Where are we now?

July 23 - first day in Leo, a fire sign.

Today is a Full Moon. A time for culmination and giving thanks.

How can this apply to the garden?
Think about the heat of the summer, your garden may be in full swing, do you have items to harvest for enjoying now and surplus to share or store for later in the year? This is also a good time to prune a bit, start with only damaged or diseased branches. We'll do more later in the year.
For some specific plants to consider this month see the pro-tip section below.

Sources and Resources:

Farmers Almanac 

Planner for a Magical 2021 (my most favorite day planner)

The Moon Book by Sarah Gottesdiener

Online links for reference - Shop local, Shop small business!

I do not receive compensation for any affiliate links in email or on website.

Looking for a garden refresh or have a specific area in need of some attention still this summer - it's not too late to try a pollinator garden!
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Whether you are looking to bring more flowers, veggies and herbs into your garden by attracting pollinators or if you are at a loss for what to do and just want to get started - this package is for you. Creating a healthy habitat for birds and insects throughout the year is such a rewarding experience for any level gardener.

Pollinator Patch Garden Kit  includes:
20 plants personally selected for your site, covers approximately 25 square feet
a basic design so you can plant them for the greatest success* 
your choice of a butterfly or bee house to support your newest garden neighbors!
$550 Summer Special - $750 value 

Pollinator Paradise Garden Kit  includes:
50 plants personally selected for your site, covers approximately 50 square feet
professionally installed with appropriate soil and mulch 
pollinator garden sign to proudly display
your choice of a butterfly or bee house to support your newest garden neighbors!
$1,400 Summer Special - $1,800 value 
Book by July 31st to receive the discount!

*Additional service available if you would like Eco-Restore install plants in the appropriate place.

Schedule Today!

August Pro- Tip

Get your hands dirty with posts, tips and offers by visiting the blog 
The Bee's Knees - News You Can Use.

~ Take inventory of your water around the house and gardens. If you are experiencing draught conditions consider rainwater harvesting for next year.
- In the meantime, water at a slower rate for much longer and fewer days. Example, if you have soaker hoses run them 2-3 hours, 3 times a week; check your soil a few inches below the surface and adjust accordingly.

~ Plan & Plant for your cool or fall season crops (Zone 8 recommendations)
If you are here in the PNW with me it is our 'second spring' and there is much to do. 
- Early Aug. Sow beets, carrots, kale, borage, Toad flax
- Late Aug. Sow spinach, Arugula, cabbage
~ Continue identifying insects in your garden. There are more beneficial than pests out there. Take a look at the green bottle flies above working hard in this garden. 

~ Have a specific question? Book a Free 15-min phone consultation and start growing your best garden yet!
Schedule Today!

Eco-Restore provides landscape consultation services by visiting your site and evaluating options to transition or transform into a more sustainable outdoor space by recommending the best course of action. Design services are provided to meet the needs of your location and your desired use of your landscape. 

Eco-Restore designs landscapes to create, enhance and restore healthy habitats. Every yard plays a role in nurturing native pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. Increase water quality and soil health all with a beautiful space to enjoy year-round. 

Eco-Restore landscapes include:

  • Pollinator & Wildlife Gardens
  • Children's Exploration Gardens
  • Medicinal Herb & Kitchen Gardens

Have something else in mind? Let's work together and bring your vision to life!  or (360)350-6625


Time for Gratitude, Harvest, and Planting


Time for Renewal & Growth

Eco-Restore Consulting & Design, LLC BBB Business Review

Copyright © 2024 Eco-Restore Consulting & Design LLC. All rights reserved.

+1 360.350.6625