Moon Gardening
Since time immemorial our ancestors have lived, told time, fell in love, passed down stories and tended the gardens by the light of the moon. I would like to offer the opportunity for you all to learn more and engage with our only true and beloved satellite while digging in the soil and while walking other paths of your lives.
Please join me in honoring the moon by accepting and celebrating what she has to offer. I look forward to learning more with all of you.
For more background information visit and bookmark the blog webpage or the July 2021 post for the full introduction.
~ How does it work - different phases of the moon provide different energies for working in the garden (and all aspects of our lives) and support a specific task or goal. This is related to but not exactly the same as planting by Astrological days.
~ Where are we now?
Last month I shared a bit about the full moon and waning to the last quarter - time for harvest, and time for gratitude.
Again, as I write this we have a full moon this evening but I want to peer forward a few days. Two days after the September full moon is the celebration of Mabon and then we approach the Last Quarter moon phase next week. Below is a small ceremony as described in the "Planner for a Magical 2021" and adapted to be done in your garden. I invite you to follow along in your own space on the evening of Wednesday the 22nd.
Last Quarter is a time for Banishing: Letting things go & Stopping bad habits.
During this time of the Autumnal Equinox is also the Alchemical stage of Coagulation and can be summed up with the words or mantra “As Above, So Below.” The equinox is a great time to find balance and connection between your physical self and your spirit self. Thoughts of ‘being’ and ‘doing’ may be present throughout your day and can also show up in the garden; remember it is a wonderful time to sit back and enjoy the beauty of all of the work done so far, even as you recognize there is still plenty to-do!
~ How to apply this in the garden?
This a great time to plant root vegetables and bulbs for the coming spring. Know that the hard work now will reveal itself when you need a splash of color at the end of the coming winter. Continue your harvesting of course!
Again write down what has been going well and what you may do differently next year.
September & October Moon Garden Plant Favorites:
Pearly everlasting
Vine maple
For additional planting suggestions see the pro-tip section below.
Sources and Resources:
Farmers Almanac
Planner for a Magical 2021 (my most favorite day planner)
The Moon Book by Sarah Gottesdiener
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