Gardening for Good

Celebrate the Equinox

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Create - Enhance - Restore

Hello friends,

Have you heard the term 'Victory Gardens' over the last year and a half? These gardens (and way of thinking) date back to the era of World Wars I & II to help make a dent in food shortages. Whether successful or not is not the topic today.
Long before hearing of these gardens I developed something I call a Resilience Garden. I still find this to resonate with me much more - as I look through the lens of proactive not reactive planning and design. Growing a 'Victory Garden' does not mean that we are conquering anything, however we can definitely become more resilient in times of stress and need.  Last year, and again this year, many people got out and built big, beautiful gardens, grew lots of food, shared surplus with neighbors, began to gather 'round the table and more - which has been so powerful and healing - and obviously a missing element in so many lives.

A Resilience Garden includes much more than fruits and vegetables. For myself, my clients and others I teach, my goal is to include herbs for healing with teas and tinctures, plants for basic first aid, materials, natural dyes, and a space for personal health and healing. In addition to beautifying the landscape with food, flowers or other resources gardens improve our society in many ways you may not realize. Did you know that places of business with natural landscaping have increased profits, apartments/condos retain tenants longer, communities with more greenery have lower domestic violence and mental health issues? The color of green plants relaxes and calms the mind. 

When you are out harvesting in your green space or taking a stroll in a natural area you are gleaning much more than berries, herbs or exercise. Think about the wonderment, the gratitude, the inspiration, the joy - that fills your heart. Here is a great podcast from my mentor that touches on a few of the things you may harvest that don't fit in a basket or canning jar.

Stay healthy, happy and keep your hands in the soil!
~ Lisa

Continue reading for another post of Moon Gardening, Monthly Tips and Offers.

I do not receive compensation for any affiliate links in email or on website.

Share with a friend to grow together!

What to leave for the birds?

As the peak season of blooms and harvest begins to wind down it is a great time to think about what to leave behind. Last fall I shared a bit about leaving the leaves for insects (which will also impact the birds) and soil health. Here I want to move up, off the ground vertically. As we walk through the garden there may be several plants that have likely been pinched or dead-headed to extend the bloom, now many of those can be left alone to finish their life cycle AND provide food for wildlife during the winter months. As the flowers turn to seeds they are telling the plant it's at the end of the growing season and now time to send energy down to the roots. Giving the shoots a season of rest as well. In addition to wildlife food sources they provide interesting features to look at in the garden. If we cut everything back it will likely be quite drab. 

If there are plants that you have really enjoyed or do well in your area consider collecting a few seeds to spread around or to share with friends.

Examples of plants you may want to go to seed:

Sunflower, calendula, echinacea (coneflower), baptisia (wild indigo), roses, beans, columbine (pictured above)

Enjoy, experiment and share if you have others.

Moon Gardening

Since time immemorial our ancestors have lived, told time, fell in love, passed down stories and tended the gardens by the light of the moon. I would like to offer the opportunity for you all to learn more and engage with our only true and beloved satellite while digging in the soil and while walking other paths of your lives.

Please join me in honoring the moon by accepting and celebrating what she has to offer. I look forward to learning more with all of you.

For more background information visit and bookmark the blog webpage or the July 2021 post for the full introduction.

~ How does it work - different phases of the moon provide different energies for working in the garden (and all aspects of our lives) and support a specific task or goal. This is related to but not exactly the same as planting by Astrological days.

~ Where are we now?
Last month I shared a bit about the full moon and waning to the last quarter - time for harvest, and time for gratitude.

Again, as I write this we have a full moon this evening but I want to peer forward a few days. Two days after the September full moon is the celebration of Mabon and then we approach the Last Quarter moon phase next week. Below is a small ceremony as described in the "Planner for a Magical 2021" and adapted to be done in your garden. I invite you to follow along in your own space on the evening of Wednesday the 22nd.

Last Quarter is a time for Banishing: Letting things go & Stopping bad habits.

During this time of the Autumnal Equinox is also the Alchemical stage of Coagulation and can be summed up with the words or mantra “As Above, So Below.” The equinox is a great time to find balance and connection between your physical self and your spirit self. Thoughts of ‘being’ and ‘doing’ may be present throughout your day and can also show up in the garden; remember it is a wonderful time to sit back and enjoy the beauty of all of the work done so far, even as you recognize there is still plenty to-do!

~ How to apply this in the garden?
This a great time to plant root vegetables and bulbs for the coming spring. Know that the hard work now will reveal itself when you need a splash of color at the end of the coming winter. Continue your harvesting of course!
Again write down what has been going well and what you may do differently next year. 

September & October Moon Garden Plant Favorites:

Pearly everlasting
Vine maple

For additional planting suggestions see the pro-tip section below.

Sources and Resources:

Farmers Almanac 

Planner for a Magical 2021 (my most favorite day planner)

The Moon Book by Sarah Gottesdiener

Online links for reference - Shop local, Shop small businesses!

I do not receive compensation for any affiliate links in email or on website.


In your garden space create a small Autumnal alter to represent balance; as this is when day and night are equal. Use complimentary colors such as yellow and purple or red and green or black and white. To build the altar use items such as candles, flower petals, leaves, charms - whatever makes you happy.

While in your garden at your new autumnal altar celebrate Mabon by adding one golden apple and one pomegranate on a cutting board with a knife. Light your candle(s) and imagine yourself between the two worlds, the physical and spiritual. Stand back a foot or two. Then, for a moment think if your material life is fulfilled? Is your spiritual life fulfilled? If not take a moment to settle in to what you may want to change during this next season. If you have a sense of fulfillment, step forward, say

“As Above, So Below. What I Reap I also Sow. The fruit of death, the fruit of life. Balanced be on this Mabon night.”

Cut the apple, cut the pomegranate and take a bite of each.

You may challenge yourself to remain in this state of sacred balance until Samhain (October 31).

Write in your garden journal a few notes about your experience. What might you want to repeat or do differently at the spring equinox? 

Moon Phases and their associations. 

There are four primary phases, in some resources you may see as many as 9. Please note this list of associations or attributes is not exhaustive, only a foundation to get us started on this journey together.

New - Set New Intentions, Start Projects, Renew and Regenerate
First Quarter - Take Action, Energy, Let things In
Full - Culmination, Complete and Fulfill
Last Quarter - Banishing, Let things Go

Waxing is the time between new & full; the first quarter

Waning is the time between full & new; the last quarter*

Remember these apply to all aspects of life not just in the landscape.

Ready for a garden refresh? Need design help? Not sure where to start?
Book a consultation today. Eco-Restore provides consults that follow the methods of Gardenary’s Garden Coach Society

Start now to begin planning your Spring gardens, yes spring. We will continue working on these through October. Remember I am in the Pacific Northwest in USDA zone 8; if you are looking for help in another zone or region check out the directory of amazing consultants

Schedule Today!

October Pro- Tip

Get your hands dirty with posts, tips and offers by visiting the blog 
The Bee's Knees - News You Can Use.
Remember Tips are generally for zone 8a-b in western WA. If you have specific questions or would like a specific topic covered, contact me.

Purchase or make cloches to cover cool/cold season plants.

~ Make a place to begin saving your leaves for compost or leaf mould. You can directly apply leaves but letting them sit for a while is best.

~ Sow winter cover crops to replenish nutrients and organic matter for next year. Look for blends with legumes and grains together.

~ Water; check for dry spots and keep hand watering. Prepare to shut off irrigation and bring in hoses soon.

Collect seeds from your favorite & most successful plants to carry on next year.


~ Have an unanswered question? Book a 30 - min coaching call to start growing your best garden yet!
Schedule Today!

Eco-Restore provides landscape consultation services by visiting your site and evaluating options to transition or transform into a more sustainable outdoor space by recommending the best course of action. Design services are provided to meet the needs of your location and your desired use of your landscape. 

Eco-Restore designs landscapes to create, enhance and restore healthy habitats. Every yard plays a role in nurturing native pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. Increase water quality and soil health all with a beautiful space to enjoy year-round. 

Eco-Restore landscapes include:

  • Pollinator & Wildlife Gardens
  • Children's Exploration Gardens
  • Medicinal Herb & Kitchen Gardens

Have something else in mind? Let's work together and bring your vision to life!  or (360)350-6625


Preparing the Garden for Rest


Time for Gratitude, Harvest, and Planting

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