New Year - New Offers
Starting this January Eco-Restore is excited to offer two new products! If you are looking for a garden refresh or help in a specific area instead of a full design a specialty garden may be just what you need!
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Pollinator Garden Design Kit - Bring more flowers, veggies and herbs into a new or an existing garden with species that attract a wide variety of pollinators. Creating a healthy habitat for birds and insects throughout the year is such a rewarding experience for any gardener.
This amazing offer includes a personalized plant list, 30-50 small plants and a basic design so you can plant them for the greatest success* - and your choice of a butterfly or bee house to support your newest garden neighbors!
*Additional service available if you would like Eco-Restore install plants in the appropriate place.
Garden Coaching - In person or virtual coaching sessions for help with your herb or kitchen garden.
Whether you are planning to get started this year and need assistance with design or plant suggestions, or you have an existing garden and need some troubleshooting. Coaching offers you the chance to ask specific questions and learn as you go!
30-60-90 Minute sessions available