Gardening in the winter

It’s not what you think; no tools needed!

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Create - Enhance - Restore
Achillea millefolium, Yarrow

Hello friends,

With the Solstice just a few days away and winter settling in, I hope you take time to turn inwards over the next few months to reflect the past and envision your future, garden and self.
Read an inspiring garden book! I am currently (and finally) reading Braiding Sweetgrass. I find Gardening at the Dragon’s Gate a reliable companion, however this is one you could read and digest over an entire year.
Order seeds for spring planting and begin to list what you might purchase as plants. I like Territorial Seed Company, RainTree Nursery
Put pencil to paper - begin with a simple drawing of your 2021 garden vision. Start with graph paper and note existing structures such as your house, garage, driveway. Then in one color mark the sunniest spaces, in a second color mark easily accessible areas. Where these two overlap, or are very close will be a great place to consider for your garden.
Spend time with just one plant to form a new ally in the world - this plant does not have to be growing in your garden, locate one you can walk by or sit with occasionally and watch it over a season.  or even at this time of year. Learn everything that you can about this plant, its botanical and common names, growing characteristics and preferences like how much sun, soil moisture, soil pH, season of bloom or fruiting, herbal remedies, culture and folklore and more!!
This summer and fall I spent some time with the graceful Achillea millefolium, Yarrow. A flower that appears so soft and delicate yet is powerfully resilient and amazingly strong. Yarrow has wonderful properties for protection and defense from immunity to stopping bleeding. Now I have a new awareness and appreciation every time I see one; and a wonderment if maybe it actually found me - during a time when those characteristics were so important. A resource I often start with is Plants for A Future.
I would love to hear from you - share your garden plans, inspirations and new relationships with these growing beings all around us.
Have a wonderful Holiday season-Stay healthy, happy and your hands in the dirt!!
~ Lisa

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Eco-Restore provides landscape consultation services by visiting your site and evaluating options to transition or transform into a more sustainable green space by recommending the best course of action. Design services are provided to meet the needs of your location and your desired use of your landscape. 
And I am so excited to announce the newest service, available Garden Coaching.

Eco-Restore emphasizes best practices to Create healthy habitats to nurture and invite native pollinators, birds and wildlife to visit your yard. Enhance soil health and improve water quality by eliminating chemicals and minimizing runoff. Restore disturbed and degraded sites such as urban lots with compacted lawns or stabilizing stream-banks with the use of native plants and low impact restoration techniques.

Eco-Restore designs landscapes and ecosystems to include:

  • Pollinator & Wildlife Gardens
  • Rain Gardens
  • Medicinal Herb & Kitchen Gardens

Have something else in mind? Let's work together and bring your vision to life!  or (360)350-6625

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Culture tending and garden building


Fall gardening with Eco-Restore

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